Flore des Friches Urbaines. Audrey Muratet, Myr Muratet, Marie Pellaton
Identify, name over 250 silent plants that we see everyday. This book offers a playful discovery of nature wilderness in wastelands. Including 600 photographs and 800 original drawings, Flore des friches urbaines is a biodiversity guide.
Wilderness is a world in itself, a sanctuary. It gathers a prodigious diversity of plants and animals in an urban environment. Abandoned industrial wastelands, orchards, lands along railways and streams are spaces of great sensory experiences.
This flora is the result of a field research initiated 15 years ago by the authors. The book aims at being a reference for naturalists retaining all its scientific dimension. However, it is for everyone to read, botanists and the nature-curious alike, thanks to its many entries of photographs, drawings and its glossary.
Publisher: XAVIER BARRAL. 2018. Hardcover. 13×21 cm. Pages: 464. Language: French. Color illustrated. RRP:€ 25,00. ISBN: 978-2-36511-129-4